Santuarios urbanos y migración en los años 2010

Nuestros colegas informan del próximo Taller sobre migración, que tendrá lugar en México. Ver presentación al final.

“Urban Sanctuaries” and International Migration in the 2010’s, coord. Dr Laurent Faret and Dra Rocío A. Castillo  (CIESAS Mexico/LMI MESO)

included in
SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2018, Mexico City
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, ciudad de México

 For the Political Actors, participant is:
Amalia García, Former head of the Secretariat of Labor and Employment Promotion of Mexico City and ex-Governor of the State of Zacatecas

For the NGOs sector, participants are:
Guadalupe Chipole, former public servant directly involved in immigrant attention at Mexico City´s government, and current director of Centro de Atención y Apoyo a Migrantes; and Karla Meza Soto, Subcoordinadora de Vinculación in Sin Fronteras IAP

For the academic part, participants are:
Dolores Paris, Graham Hudson, Hillary Sanders, Rocío Castillo and Laurent Faret.


Workshop presentation
In recent years, various “urban sanctuary” policies and practices have emerged or been strengthened in Canada, the United States and Mexico, promoting new arrangements for the incorporation of international migrants into the city. If the forms and scope of these measures may diverge, all seem to be part of an urban political ambition that is unfolding in parallel or in opposition to state and federal policies on migration, traditionally included, along with citizenship issues, among nation-states’ plenary powers. These forms of local governance of immigration raise a number of questions related to different points of view: who are the promoters of such policies and on what vision of the city/migration relationship are they built? Are they always reactions to national policies that are hostile towards international migrants? What is the place of non-governmental actors in their definition and implementation? How do the operators of these measures categorize the populations who can benefit from them, among recognized refugees, undocumented migrants, populations in transit…?

The workshop is planned to establish a dialogue on these issues based on the findings of case studies on the conditions of access of migrants to the urban environment in specific contexts in Canada, the United States or Mexico. The aim will be to place these local governance initiatives in a broader context of discussion and to confront them with modalities of access to the city and migrants’ strategies of insertion into the urban space. Many studies have shown that the forms of urban insertion often maintain a tenuous link to the authorities, when they are not in opposition to them, whether on local, regional or national bases. Are invisibility, otherness and vulnerability of migrant experiences in the city substantially transformed by these discourses and postures supporting an inclusive, hospitable and politically engaged city that defends the presence of foreign populations within it?


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eric Léonard (27 août 2018). Santuarios urbanos y migración en los años 2010. Laboratoire mixte international MESO. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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